Reverse engineering
Reverse Engineering 101
book : Practical Malware Analysis book by Sikorski & Honig
low-level hanging fruit
XOR = ^ X ^ Y = Z Y ^ Z = X
encoded += chr((ord(i)^5))
trace system calls
library call tracer runs the specified command until it exists b ltrace ./bbbbloat
objdump -d bbbbloat
find the main function
file bbbbloat (find stripped)
useful for dynamic challenges
gdb-gef (run the tool)
gdb-gef ./simple_elf2
run 1234
b main
disas main
b *0x00005555555551d2
c (continue)
print $eflags
windows dynamic analysis x64/x86 dbg
strings - linux
androguard - mobile apk
apktool - mobile apk
file simple_elf1
strings simple_elf1 (cat simple_elf1 wont give good output because simple_elf1 is a binary file)
xxd simple_elf1 | grep H0j3nCTF (to show hex format)
strings simple_elf1 | grep H0j3nCTF
strace ./simple_elf2
ltrace ./simple_elf2 1111
download .deb file:
chmod +x
echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/opt/file' >> ~/.bashrc
ida64 (run prog in terminal)
sudo ln -s /opt/idafree-8.3/ida64 /usr/local/bin/ida
ida (run prog in terminal from any working directory)
dnspy - decompile .NET exe to find Main function
olevba - analyze maldoc files (find sus echo strings that looks like base64)
executable and dll (learn what it is) - online python decompiler
PECmd to read .pf files.
RAX - Known as the accumulator register. Often used to store the return value of a function.
RBX - Sometimes known as the base register, not to be confused with the base pointer. Sometimes used as a base pointer for memory access.
RDX - Sometimes known as the data register.
RCX - Sometimes known as the counter register. Used as a loop counter.
RSI - Known as the source index. Used as the source pointer in string operations.
RDI - Known as the destination index. Used as the destination pointer in string operations.
RSP - The stack pointer. Holds the address of the top of the stack.
RBP - The base pointer. Holds the address of the base (bottom) of the stack.